Ballot Measures

support- Amendment G (HCR23-1002): Modify Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities

This measure will extend the property tax exemption to include veterans who have been deemed eligible under the Total Disability Individual Unemployability category by the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs. This will give tax relief to more veterans who are unable to hold a steady job due to their disability.

Support- Amendment H (HCR23-1001): Judicial Discipline Procedures and Confidentiality

This measure will serve to enhance the transparency, accountability, and integrity of the Judicial discipline system. It will enhance public confidence in our courts and help with a more independent oversight of Colorado judges. This measure was referred to the ballot from the General Assembly with the recommendation of the Judicial Branch.

Support- Amendment I (HCR24-1002): Constitutional Bail Exception for First Degree Murder

When we eliminated capital punishment in Colorado, an unforeseen consequence was the inability of a judge to deny bail to persons charged with first degree murder. This Amendment will restore that ability to judges when needed.

Support- Amendment J (SCR24-003): Repealing the Constitutional Definition of Marriage

It is past time to make sure the Colorado Constitution has up to date language to match what is the law of the United States. This measure will remove the definition in the Constitution that says that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Since that is not true, we need to update our Constitution!

Support- Amendment K (SCR24-002): Modify Constitutional Election Deadlines

This ballot measure will give election officials more time to review and prepare ballots before sending them out to voters. It will also make sure that voters receive information of what will be on ballots earlier so that we have more informed voters. As ballots get longer and more complex this is a good move for the entire election process.

Support- Amendment 79: Constitutional Right to Abortion

The right to access the full complement of reproductive health care, including abortions, is already state law. Changing our constitution to solidify that right is critical for all Coloradans.

Oppose- Amendment 80: Constitutional Right to School Choice

Coloradans already have the right to school choice for kids in K-12. This measure is an attempt to start a process to direct public funds used for public schools away from our public schools. Our public education system needs strengthening. This is bad for Colorado kids and educators.

Support- Proposition JJ (HB24-1436): Retain Additional Sports Betting Tax Revenue

In 2019 voters approved Proposition DD which allowed sports betting in our state where proceeds would go into funding water projects up to a certain amount. Well...more money is coming in than was expected and this proposition will allow that extra money to continue to go toward important water projects and not have to be returned to casinos and sports betting operators. The future of Colorado water projects needs this additional funding source!

Support- Proposition KK (HB24-1349): Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax

While gun violence continues to rise, funding for these services has not been reliable. Securing reliable funding for victim and mental health services for communities and individuals impacted by gun violence is an important goal of this measure. This initiative will address funding insecurity for veterans, crime victims, and behavioral health programs while exempting law enforcement officers, agencies and active-duty military service members from the tax.

Oppose- Proposition 127: Prohibit Bobcat, Lynx, and Mountain Lion Hunting

Wildlife biology is best conducted at the discretion of experts in the field, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and wildlife advocates, not at the ballot box. A "No" on 127 makes sure biodiversity and the balance of ecosystems stays in the hands of the biologists who have the expertise to utilize the tools they need. We have seen how easily unintended consequences occur when we take those tools away from the experts.

Oppose- Proposition 128 Parole Eligibility for Crimes of Violence

This initiative removes the opportunity for convicted people to achieve earned time giving them less incentive to comply with prison rules or take advantage of rehabilitation opportunities offered in prison. Discretion should be available in individual situations and we should not dictate a one-size-fits-all situation.

oppose- Proposition 129: Establishing Veterinary Professional Associates

Proposition 129 introduces an entirely new role in Colorado called a Veterinary Professional Associate or VPA, whose training would be mostly online with minimal hands-on instruction. It would introduce dangers for our pets. A VPA would be practicing veterinary medicine and doing surgery without the training needed to be competent. It is an unnecessary position with no guaranteed career path for students taking on large student loans, as who are not being assured a job. Opposed by veterinarians, registered veterinary technicians, those working in shelters, to humane societies, to small practices to farms. For more information please visit: Keep our Pets Safe.

oppose- Proposition 130 Funding for Law Enforcement

Directs the state to spend $350 million to help recruit, train, and retain local law enforcement officers. The measure does not create a new revenue source to fund this mandate, so it is an unfunded mandate that doesn’t raise any revenue in our budget for law enforcement officers or agencies. Law enforcement officers and agencies deserve more than political tactics and messaging measures meant to create negative ads. I support our local law enforcement and they deserve dedicated sustainable funding sources that don’t result in possible cuts to other critical public services, such as K-12 education and crime prevention policies.

oppose- Proposition 131: Establishing All-Candidate Primary and Ranked Choice Voting General Elections

This creates an all-candidate primary election for certain state and federal offices, where the top four candidates advance to the general election and allows voters to rank those candidates in the general election, with votes counted over multiple rounds to determine who wins the election. This measure proposes an election system that tilts Colorado towards more dark money in our elections, and allows for well-funded special interest groups and wealthy individuals to have even more sway over our politics. Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is a complicated election model that has been shown in other states to actually suppress voting - especially among underrepresented communities, disabled communities and communities of color. It also creates a high level of mistakes that invalidate votes. We need voting systems that encourage more voting participation, not less.

Support- City of Longmont Open Space Tax Extension 3A

I am supporting 3A because this is a measure which helps protects our open spaces, and with no new taxes! Part of what makes living here great is the upkeep and management of our Open Space and I would love this to continue. Vote Yes!

Support- St. Vrain Valley Schools Bond Measure 5C

I am supporting 5C because without raising taxes we are giving our schools the additional funding they need for infrastructure projects, classrooms and tools for the education of the future. Investing in our schools and students is a win-win. Vote Yes!

Support- RTD Measure 7A

By voting yes on 7A, voters will allow RTD (Regional Transit District) to keep the revenue they raise to keep transit moving and continue to improve the system Without raising taxes we can support the buses and trains that we need more of in the region. Vote Yes!

Support- St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservation Districts 7C

This measures extends an existing tax which goes to our local water districts to fund projects in water conservation and water quality. They are also important in protecting water sheds which feed into our water sources. Vote Yes!